Source code for metsrw.validate

import os

from lxml import etree
from lxml import isoschematron

from .utils import NAMESPACES

METS_XSD_PATH = "resources/mets.xsd"

# Right now there are two different schematron files for validating
# Archivematica-generated METS files vs Archivematica-generated METS pointer
# files. These could be consolidated to one.
AM_SCT_PATH = "resources/archivematica_mets_schematron.xml"
AM_PNTR_SCT_PATH = "resources/archivematica_mets_pointer_file_schematron.xml"

def _get_file_path(path):
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        path_2 = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), path)
        if not os.path.isfile(path_2):
            raise ValueError(f"There is no (schema) file at either {path} or {path_2}")
        return path_2
    return path

[docs]def get_schematron(sct_path): """Return an lxml ``isoschematron.Schematron()`` instance using the schematron file at ``sct_path``. """ sct_path = _get_file_path(sct_path) parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) sct_doc = etree.parse(sct_path, parser=parser) return isoschematron.Schematron(sct_doc, store_report=True)
[docs]def validate(mets_doc, xmlschema=METS_XSD_PATH, schematron=AM_SCT_PATH): """Validate a METS file using both an XMLSchema (.xsd) schema and a schematron schema, the latter of which typically places additional constraints on what a METS file can look like. """ is_xsd_valid, xsd_error_log = xsd_validate(mets_doc, xmlschema=xmlschema) is_sct_valid, sct_report = schematron_validate(mets_doc, schematron=schematron) valid = is_xsd_valid and is_sct_valid report = { "is_xsd_valid": is_xsd_valid, "is_sct_valid": is_sct_valid, "xsd_error_log": xsd_error_log, "sct_report": sct_report, } report["report"] = report_string(report) return valid, report
[docs]def get_xmlschema(xmlschema, mets_doc): """Return a ``class::lxml.etree.XMLSchema`` instance given the path to the XMLSchema (.xsd) file in ``xmlschema`` and the ``class::lxml.etree._ElementTree`` instance ``mets_doc`` representing the METS file being parsed. The complication here is that the METS file to be validated via the .xsd file may reference additional schemata via ``xsi:schemaLocation`` attributes. We have to find all of these and import them from within the returned XMLSchema. For the solution that this is based on, see: For other descriptions of the problem, see: -!topic/archivematica/UBS1ay-g_tE - - """ xsd_path = _get_file_path(xmlschema) xmlschema = etree.parse(xsd_path) schema_locations = set( mets_doc.xpath("//*/@xsi:schemaLocation", namespaces=NAMESPACES) ) for schema_location in schema_locations: namespaces_locations = schema_location.strip().split() for namespace, location in zip(*[iter(namespaces_locations)] * 2): if namespace == NAMESPACES["mets"]: continue xs_import = etree.Element("{}import") xs_import.attrib["namespace"] = namespace xs_import.attrib["schemaLocation"] = location xmlschema.getroot().insert(0, xs_import) return etree.XMLSchema(xmlschema)
[docs]def xsd_validate(mets_doc, xmlschema=METS_XSD_PATH): xmlschema = get_xmlschema(xmlschema, mets_doc) is_valid = xmlschema.validate(mets_doc) error_log = xmlschema.error_log return is_valid, error_log
[docs]def schematron_validate(mets_doc, schematron=AM_SCT_PATH): """Validate a METS file using a schematron schema. Return a boolean indicating validity and a report as an ``lxml.ElementTree`` instance. """ if isinstance(schematron, str): schematron = get_schematron(schematron) is_valid = schematron.validate(mets_doc) report = schematron.validation_report return is_valid, report
[docs]def sct_report_string(report): """Return a human-readable string representation of the error report returned by lxml's schematron validator. """ ret = [] namespaces = {"svrl": ""} for index, failed_assert_el in enumerate( report.findall("svrl:failed-assert", namespaces=namespaces) ): ret.append( "{}. {}".format( index + 1, failed_assert_el.find("svrl:text", namespaces=namespaces).text, ) ) ret.append(" test: {}".format(failed_assert_el.attrib["test"])) ret.append(" location: {}".format(failed_assert_el.attrib["location"])) ret.append("\n") return "\n".join(ret)
[docs]def xsd_error_log_string(xsd_error_log): """Return a human-readable string representation of the error log returned by lxml's XMLSchema validator. """ ret = [] for error in xsd_error_log: ret.append( "ERROR ON LINE {}: {}".format(error.line, error.message.encode("utf-8")) ) return "\n".join(ret)
[docs]def report_string(report): """Return a human-readable string representation of all of the validation errors. """ return ( "Schematron Error(s):\n" + sct_report_string(report["sct_report"]) + "\n\nXMLSchema (xsd) Error(s):\n" + xsd_error_log_string(report["xsd_error_log"]) )