Source code for metsrw.plugins.premisrw.premis

"""PREMIS-Reader-Writer: a small PREMIS library designed to work as a plugin
for METS-reader-writer. Public functions and classes:

- data_to_premis
- premis_to_data
- PREMISObject
- PREMISRights

import abc
import json
import pprint
from datetime import datetime
from uuid import uuid4

from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import ElementMaker

from . import utils

def now():
    return datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat("T")

def uuid():
    return str(uuid4())

[docs]class PREMISElement(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Abstract base class for PREMIS object, event and agent classes. These classes must implement ``schema`` and ``defaults`` properties. After that, initalization can proceed either by passing a ``data`` kwarg to the class or by passing keyword arguments implicit in the element tag names of ``self.schema``, e.g.,:: >>> premis_obj = PREMISObject(data=('object', {...}, (...))) >>> premis_obj = PREMISObject( identifier_type='UUID', identifier_value='9bf6bcf8-4d77-4623-a9fb-b703365d0ffe', ...) Under the first construction approach, the tuple passed as ``data`` becomes the source of truth for the PREMIS element. Under the second construction approach, the kwargs are used to construct a ``data`` tuple that becomes the source of truth. This tuple can be accessed via the ``.data`` property. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.premis_el_attrs = None self._attrs_to_paths = None self._attributes = None self._xml_element_values = {} self._xml_attribute_values = {} data = kwargs.get("data") if data: if isinstance(data, PREMISElement): data = self._data = data self.premis_version = _premis_version_from_data(data) else: self.premis_version = kwargs.get("premis_version", utils.PREMIS_VERSION) self._xml_element_values = self._get_xml_element_values(kwargs) self._xml_attribute_values = _get_xml_attribute_values( kwargs, self.premis_version ) self._data = self.generate_data() @property def data(self): return self._data @property def attrs_to_paths(self): """Return a dict that maps valid getter attributes to the simplified XPaths needed to get the corresponding values from ````. This property analyzes ``self.schema`` and sets ``self._attrs_to_paths`` to a dict that maps implicit getters like 'agent_identifier_value' and 'identifier_value' to the XPaths implicit in ``self.schema``. In the case of ``PREMISAgent``, the above two getters would map to the XPath 'agent/agent_identifier/agent_identifier_value'. ``PREMISAgent.schema`` also implies the getters 'agent_identifier' and 'identifier', which both map to the XPath 'agent/agent_identifier' and which should return a tuple (or list thereof) instead of a string. """ if self._attrs_to_paths: return self._attrs_to_paths self._attrs_to_paths = {} schema = self.schema tag = schema[0] attrs_to_paths_init = get_attrs_to_paths(schema) for attr, path in attrs_to_paths_init.items(): if attr.startswith(tag + "_"): new_key = attr.replace(tag + "_", "", 1) self._attrs_to_paths[new_key] = path self._attrs_to_paths[attr] = path parts = path.split("/")[:-1] while parts: new_attr = parts[-1] new_path = "/".join(parts) self._attrs_to_paths[new_attr] = new_path parts = parts[:-1] return self._attrs_to_paths @property def attributes(self): """Return a dict that maps normalized XML attributes to their values, e.g., 'xsi_schema_location' and 'schema_location' would be keys for the value of the xsi:schemaLocation PREMIS XML attribute. """ if self._attributes: return self._attributes self._attributes = {} for elem in if isinstance(elem, dict): for key, val in elem.items(): self._attributes[key] = val if ":" in key: key1 = key.replace(":", "_") self._attributes[key1] = val key2 = key.split(":", 1)[1] self._attributes[key2] = val return self._attributes
[docs] def serialize(self): return data_to_premis(self._data, self.premis_version)
[docs] def tostring(self, pretty_print=True, encoding="UTF-8"): return etree.tostring( self.serialize(), pretty_print=pretty_print, encoding=encoding )
def __repr__(self): return repr(self._data) def __str__(self): return pprint.pformat(self._data, indent=4) def __eq__(self, other): """```` is the sole source of truth for ``PREMISElement`` instances. Thus two such instances with the same data should compare equal as should an instance and a tuple if the instance's data is equal to the tuple. """ if isinstance(other, PREMISElement): return == return == other def __hash__(self): return hash(json.dumps(, sort_keys=True)) def __getattr__(self, attr_name): """Dynamically retrieve and return the value of an attribute which is implicitly defined by the return value of ``self.generate_data()``. All leaf node element names and full paths (with forward slashes replaced by double underscores) are now valid accessors. For example, ``premis_object.message_digest`` returns ``premis_object.findtext('object_characteristics/fixity/message_digest')`` as does ``premis_object.object_characteristics__fixity__message_digest``. Similarly, ``premis_object.xsi_type``, ``premis_object.type`` and ``premis_object.xsi__type`` all return the value of the XML attribute xsi:type. """ if attr_name in self.attrs_to_paths: return self.find_text_or_all(self.attrs_to_paths[attr_name]) attr_name_norm = attr_name.replace("__", "/") if attr_name_norm in self.attrs_to_paths.values(): return self.find_text_or_all(attr_name_norm) attr_name_norm = attr_name.replace("__", ":") if attr_name_norm in self.attributes: return self.attributes[attr_name_norm] valid_attributes = "\n".join( sorted( set( list(self.attrs_to_paths.keys()) + [x.replace("/", "__") for x in self.attrs_to_paths.values()] + [x.replace(":", "_") for x in self.attributes.keys()] ) ) ) raise AttributeError( "Instance of {} has no attribute {}. Valid attributes" " are\n{}".format(self.__class__, attr_name, valid_attributes) )
[docs] def find(self, path): return data_find(self._data, path)
[docs] def findall(self, path): return data_find_all(self._data, path, dyn_cls=True)
[docs] def findtext(self, path): return data_find_text(self._data, path)
[docs] def find_text_or_all(self, path): return data_find_text_or_all(self._data, path, dyn_cls=True)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def schema(self): """Return a tuple representing the schema of the PREMIS element. This tuple schema determines the available getters and setters (during initialization) of the subclass. """
[docs] def generate_data(self): """Generate and return a tuple to assign to ``self._data``, which is the source of truth of the PREMIS XML element. Expects ``self._xml_element_values`` and ``self._xml_attribute_values`` to be dicts populated with XML element text values and XML attribute values, respectively. """ return _generate_data( self.schema, self._xml_element_values, attributes=self._xml_attribute_values )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def defaults(self): """Return a dict that maps implicit getter attributes (implicit in ``self.schema``) to default values or to callables that return default values. For example, see ``PREMISObject.defaults``. """
def _get_xml_element_values(self, kwargs): """Using the user-supplied dict ``kwargs`` and the defaults returned by ``self.defaults``, return a dict mapping XML tag names (and paths) to values. """ full_attrs_to_paths = {} xml_element_values = {} for attr_name, attr_path in self.attrs_to_paths.items(): full_attrs_to_paths[attr_name] = attr_path full_attrs_to_paths[attr_path] = attr_path for attr_name, attr_path in full_attrs_to_paths.items(): default = self.defaults.get(attr_name, self.defaults.get(attr_path, "")) if callable(default): default = default() val = kwargs.get(attr_name, kwargs.get(attr_path, default)) xml_element_values[attr_name] = val xml_element_values[attr_path] = val return xml_element_values
[docs] @classmethod def fromtree(cls, tree): """Create a PREMIS from an ``_Element``.""" return cls(data=premis_to_data(tree))
[docs]class PREMISObject(PREMISElement): @property def defaults(self): return { "identifier_type": "UUID", "identifier_value": uuid, "composition_level": "1", "format_registry_name": "PRONOM", "date_created_by_application": now, "relationship": lambda: [], "inhibitors": lambda: [], } @property def schema(self): ( related_object_identifier, related_event_identifier, ) = _get_relationship_tag_names(self.premis_version) return ( "object", ( "object_identifier", ("object_identifier_type",), ("object_identifier_value",), ), ( "object_characteristics", ("composition_level",), ("fixity", ("message_digest_algorithm",), ("message_digest",)), ("size",), ( "format", ("format_designation", ("format_name",), ("format_version",)), ( "format_registry", ("format_registry_name",), ("format_registry_key",), ), ), ( "creating_application", ("creating_application_name",), ("creating_application_version",), ("date_created_by_application",), ), ("inhibitors", ("inhibitor_type",), ("inhibitor_target",)), ("object_characteristics_extension",), ), ( "relationship", ("relationship_type",), ("relationship_sub_type",), ( related_object_identifier, ("related_object_identifier_type",), ("related_object_identifier_value",), ), ( related_event_identifier, ("related_event_identifier_type",), ("related_event_identifier_value",), ), ), )
[docs]class PREMISEvent(PREMISElement): @property def defaults(self): return { "identifier_type": "UUID", "identifier_value": uuid, "date_time": now, "linking_agent_identifier": lambda: [], } @property def schema(self): if self.premis_version == utils.PREMIS_3_0_VERSION: event_detail = ( "event_detail_information", ("event_detail",), ("event_detail_extension",), ) else: event_detail = ("event_detail",) return ( "event", ( "event_identifier", ("event_identifier_type",), ("event_identifier_value",), ), ("event_type",), ("event_date_time",), event_detail, ( "event_outcome_information", ("event_outcome",), ("event_outcome_detail", ("event_outcome_detail_note",)), ), ( "linking_agent_identifier", ("linking_agent_identifier_type",), ("linking_agent_identifier_value",), ), ) @property def parsed_event_detail(self): """Parse and return our PREMIS eventDetail string value like:: 'program="7z"; version="9.20"; algorithm="bzip2"' and return a dict like:: {'algorithm': 'bzip2', 'version': '9.20', 'program': '7z'} """ attr = ( "event_detail_information__event_detail" if self.premis_version == utils.PREMIS_3_0_VERSION else "event_detail" ) return dict( [ tuple(x.strip(' "') for x in kv.strip().split("=", 1)) for kv in getattr(self, attr).split(";") ] ) # Compression Event Functionality # ========================================================================== @property def compression_details(self): """Return as a 3-tuple, this PREMIS compression event's program, version, and algorithm used to perform the compression. """ event_type = self.findtext("event_type") if event_type != "compression": raise AttributeError( 'PREMIS events of type "{}" have no compression' " details".format(event_type) ) parsed_compression_event_detail = self.parsed_event_detail compression_program = _get_event_detail_attr( "program", parsed_compression_event_detail ) compression_algorithm = _get_event_detail_attr( "algorithm", parsed_compression_event_detail ) compression_program_version = _get_event_detail_attr( "version", parsed_compression_event_detail ) archive_tool = {"7z": "7-Zip"}.get(compression_program, compression_program) return compression_algorithm, compression_program_version, archive_tool
[docs] def get_decompression_transform_files(self, offset=0): """Returns a list of dicts representing ``<mets:transformFile>`` elements with ``TRANSFORMTYPE="decompression"`` given ``compression_algorithm`` which is a comma-separated string of algorithms that must be used in the order provided to decompress the package, e.g., 'bzip2,tar' or 'lzma'. """ compression_algorithm, _, _ = self.compression_details return [ { "algorithm": algorithm, "order": str(index + offset + 1), "type": "decompression", } for index, algorithm in enumerate(compression_algorithm.split(",")) ]
# Encryption Event Functionality # ========================================================================== @property def encryption_details(self): """Return as a 3-tuple, this PREMIS encryption event's program, version, and key used to perform the encryption. """ event_type = self.findtext("event_type") if event_type != "encryption": raise AttributeError( 'PREMIS events of type "{}" have no encryption' " details".format(event_type) ) parsed_encryption_event_detail = self.parsed_event_detail encryption_program = _get_event_detail_attr( "program", parsed_encryption_event_detail ) encryption_program_version = _get_event_detail_attr( "version", parsed_encryption_event_detail ) encryption_key = _get_event_detail_attr("key", parsed_encryption_event_detail) return encryption_program, encryption_program_version, encryption_key
[docs] def get_decryption_transform_file(self): """Returns a dict representing a ``<mets:transformFile>`` element with ``TRANSFORMTYPE="decryption"``. """ encryption_program, _, encryption_key = self.encryption_details return { "algorithm": encryption_program, "order": "1", "type": "decryption", "key": encryption_key, }
[docs]class PREMISAgent(PREMISElement): @property def defaults(self): return {} @property def schema(self): return ( "agent", ( "agent_identifier", ("agent_identifier_type",), ("agent_identifier_value",), ), ("agent_name",), ("agent_type",), )
[docs]class PREMISRights(PREMISElement): @property def defaults(self): return {} @property def schema(self): return ( "rights", ( "rights_statement", ( "rights_statement_identifier", ("rights_statement_identifier_type",), ("rights_statement_identifier_value",), ), ("rights_basis",), ( "copyright_information", ("copyright_status",), ("copyright_jurisdiction",), ("copyright_status_determination_date",), ("copyright_note",), ( "copyright_documentation_identifier", ("copyright_documentation_identifier_type",), ("copyright_documentation_identifier_value",), ("copyright_documentation_role",), ), ("copyright_applicable_dates", ("start_date",), ("end_date",)), ), ( "license_information", ( "license_documentation_identifier", ("license_documentation_identifier_type",), ("license_documentation_identifier_value",), ("license_documentation_role",), ), ("license_terms",), ("license_note",), ("license_applicable_dates", ("start_date",), ("end_date",)), ), ( "statute_information", ("statute_jurisdiction",), ("statute_citation",), ("statute_information_determination_date",), ("statute_note",), ( "statute_documentation_identifier", ("statute_documentation_identifier_type",), ("statute_documentation_identifier_value",), ("statute_documentation_role",), ), ("statute_applicable_dates", ("start_date",), ("end_date",)), ), ( "other_rights_information", ( "other_rights_documentation_identifier", ("other_rights_documentation_identifier_type",), ("other_rights_documentation_identifier_value",), ("other_rights_documentation_role",), ), ("other_rights_basis",), ("other_rights_applicable_dates", ("start_date",), ("end_date",)), ("other_rights_note",), ), ( "rights_granted", ("act",), ("restriction",), ("term_of_grant", ("start_date",), ("end_date",)), ("term_of_restriction", ("start_date",), ("end_date",)), ("rights_granted_note",), ), ( "linking_object_identifier", ("linking_object_identifier_type",), ("linking_object_identifier_value",), ("linking_object_role",), ), ( "linking_agent_identifier", ("linking_agent_identifier_type",), ("linking_agent_identifier_value",), ("linking_agent_role",), ), ), ("rights_extension",), )
def _data_to_lxml_el(data, ns, nsmap, element_maker=None, snake=True): """Convert tuple/list ``data`` to an ``lxml.etree._Element`` instance. :param tuple/list data: iterable whose first element is the snake-case string which is the name of the root XML element. Subsequent elements may be dicts (which encode XML attributes), tuples/lists (which encode sub-elements), or scalars (strings, ints or floats, which encode text under the element). :param str ns: the implicit namespace of all elements in the XML. :param dict nsmap: a dict of XML namespaces to define in the root element. :param ElementMaker element_maker: instance for creating XML elements. :returns: an ``lxml.etree._Element`` instance """ if not element_maker: element_maker = ElementMaker(namespace=nsmap[ns], nsmap=nsmap) tag = data[0] if snake: camel_tag = utils.snake_to_camel(tag) func = getattr(element_maker, camel_tag) args = [] attributes = {} for element in data[1:]: if isinstance(element, dict): for key, val in element.items(): if isinstance(val, bytes): val = val.decode() attributes[key] = val elif isinstance(element, (tuple, list)): args.append( _data_to_lxml_el( element, ns, nsmap, element_maker=element_maker, snake=snake ) ) elif isinstance(element, str): args.append(element) elif isinstance(element, etree._Element): args.append(element) elif isinstance(element, datetime): args.append(element.isoformat(sep=" ")) elif isinstance(element, bytes): args.append(element.decode()) else: # TODO: is this correct? args.append(bytes(element)) ret = func(*args) for attr, val in attributes.items(): try: ns, attr = attr.split(":") except ValueError: ns = None if snake: attr = utils.snake_to_camel(attr) if ns: attr = "{" + nsmap[ns] + "}" + attr ret.attrib[attr] = val else: ret.attrib[attr] = val return ret def _to_colon_ns(bracket_ns, default_ns=None, nsmap=None, snake=True): """Convert a namespaced tag/attribute name from explicit XML "bracket" notation to a more succinct Pythonic colon-separated notation using snake_case, e.g.,:: >>> _to_colon_ns( '{info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2}objectIdentifier', 'premis', utils.NAMESPACES) 'object_identifier' >>> _to_colon_ns('{info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2}objectIdentifier') 'premis:object_identifier' >>> _to_colon_ns( '}schemaLocation') 'xsi:schema_location' """ parts = [x.strip("{") for x in bracket_ns.split("}")] if len(parts) != 2: return bracket_ns ns, var = parts if default_ns and nsmap: try: ns = [k for k, v in nsmap.items() if v == ns][0] if ns == default_ns: if snake: return utils.camel_to_snake(var) return var except IndexError: pass if snake: return ":".join([ns, utils.camel_to_snake(var)]) return ":".join([ns, var]) def _get_el_attributes(lxml_el, ns=None, nsmap=None): """Return the XML attributes of lxml ``Element`` instance lxml_el as a dict where namespaced attributes are represented via colon-delimiting and using snake case. """ attrs = {} for attr, val in lxml_el.items(): attr = _to_colon_ns(attr, default_ns=ns, nsmap=nsmap) attrs[attr] = val return attrs def _lxml_el_to_data(lxml_el, ns, nsmap, snake=True): """Convert an ``lxml._Element`` instance to a Python tuple.""" # Ignore comments. They add no value to the data structure. if isinstance(lxml_el, etree._Comment): return () tag_name = _to_colon_ns(lxml_el.tag, default_ns=ns, nsmap=nsmap) ret = [tag_name] attributes = _get_el_attributes(lxml_el, ns=ns, nsmap=nsmap) if attributes: ret.append(attributes) for sub_el in lxml_el: ret.append(_lxml_el_to_data(sub_el, ns, nsmap, snake=snake)) text = lxml_el.text if text: ret.append(text) return tuple(ret)
[docs]def data_to_premis(data, premis_version=utils.PREMIS_VERSION): """Given tuple ``data`` representing a PREMIS entity (object, event or agent), return an ``lxml.etree._Element`` instance. E.g.,:: >>> p = data_to_premis(( 'event', utils.PREMIS_META, ( 'event_identifier', ('event_identifier_type', 'UUID'), ('event_identifier_value', str(uuid4())) ) )) >>> etree.tostring(p, pretty_print=True).decode('utf8') '''<premis:event xmlns:premis="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2" xmlns:xsi="" version="2.2" xsi:schemaLocation="info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2"> <premis:eventIdentifier> <premis:eventIdentifierType>UUID</premis:eventIdentifierType> <premis:eventIdentifierValue>f4b7758f-e7b2-4155-9b56-d76965849fc1</premis:eventIdentifierValue> </premis:eventIdentifier> </premis:event>''' """ nsmap = utils.PREMIS_VERSIONS_MAP[premis_version]["namespaces"] return _data_to_lxml_el(data, "premis", nsmap)
[docs]def premis_to_data(premis_lxml_el): """Transform a PREMIS ``lxml._Element`` instance to a Python tuple.""" premis_version = premis_lxml_el.get("version", utils.PREMIS_VERSION) nsmap = utils.PREMIS_VERSIONS_MAP[premis_version]["namespaces"] return _lxml_el_to_data(premis_lxml_el, "premis", nsmap)
def data_find(data, path): """Find and return the first element-as-tuple in tuple ``data`` using simplified XPath ``path``. """ path_parts = path.split("/") try: sub_elm = [ el for el in data if isinstance(el, (tuple, list)) and el[0] == path_parts[0] ][0] except IndexError: return None else: if len(path_parts) > 1: return data_find(sub_elm, "/".join(path_parts[1:])) return sub_elm def tuple_to_schema(tuple_): """Convert a tuple representing an XML data structure into a schema tuple that can be used in the ``.schema`` property of a sub-class of PREMISElement. """ schema = [] for element in tuple_: if isinstance(element, (tuple, list)): try: if isinstance(element[1], str): schema.append((element[0],)) else: schema.append(tuple_to_schema(element)) except IndexError: schema.append((element[0],)) else: schema.append(element) return tuple(schema) def generate_element_class(tuple_instance): """Dynamically create a sub-class of PREMISElement given ``tuple_instance``, which is a tuple representing an XML data structure. """ schema = tuple_to_schema(tuple_instance) def defaults(self): return {} def schema_getter(self): return schema new_class_name = f"PREMIS{schema[0].capitalize()}Element" return type( new_class_name, (PREMISElement,), {"defaults": property(defaults), "schema": property(schema_getter)}, ) def data_find_all(data, path, dyn_cls=False): """Find and return all element-as-tuples in tuple ``data`` using simplified XPath ``path``. """ path_parts = path.split("/") try: sub_elms = tuple( el for el in data if isinstance(el, (tuple, list)) and el[0] == path_parts[0] ) except IndexError: return None if len(path_parts) > 1: ret = [] for sub_elm in sub_elms: for x in data_find_all(sub_elm, "/".join(path_parts[1:])): ret.append(x) ret = tuple(ret) else: ret = sub_elms if ret and dyn_cls: cls = generate_element_class(ret[0]) return tuple(cls(data=tuple_) for tuple_ in ret) return ret def data_find_text(data, path): """Return the text value of the element-as-tuple in tuple ``data`` using simplified XPath ``path``. """ el = data_find(data, path) if not isinstance(el, (list, tuple)): return None texts = [child for child in el[1:] if not isinstance(child, (tuple, list, dict))] if not texts: return None return " ".join(texts) def data_find_text_or_all(data, path, dyn_cls=False): text = data_find_text(data, path) if text: return text return data_find_all(data, path, dyn_cls=dyn_cls) def get_event_type(data): return data_find_text(data, "event_type") def _get_event_detail_attr(attr, parsed_event_detail): try: return parsed_event_detail[attr] except KeyError: print( "Unable to find attribute {} in event detail {}".format( attr, parsed_event_detail ) ) return "No value found" def _get_relationship_tag_names(premis_version): related_object_identifier = {"2.2": "related_object_identification"}.get( premis_version, "related_object_identifier" ) related_event_identifier = {"2.2": "related_event_identification"}.get( premis_version, "related_event_identifier" ) return related_object_identifier, related_event_identifier def _generate_data(schema, elements, attributes=None, path=None): """Using tree-as-tuple ``schema`` as guide, return a tree-as-tuple ``data`` representing a PREMIS XML element, where the values in dict ``elements`` and the values in dict ``attributes`` are located in the appropriate locations in the ``data`` tree structure. """ path = path or [] attributes = attributes or {} tag_name = schema[0] data = [tag_name] if attributes: data.append(attributes) new_path = path[:] new_path.append(tag_name) root = new_path[0] possible_paths = ["__".join(new_path), tag_name] if root != tag_name and tag_name.startswith(root): possible_paths.append(tag_name.lstrip(root)[1:]) for possible_path in possible_paths: val = elements.get(possible_path) if val: if isinstance(val, (tuple, list)): data = tuple(val) else: if attributes: data = (tag_name, attributes, val) else: data = (tag_name, val) return tuple(data) for subschema in schema[1:]: subel = _generate_data(subschema, elements, path=new_path) if (not subel) or (subel == subschema): continue if all(isinstance(x, tuple) for x in subel): for subsubel in subel: data.append(subsubel) elif not el_is_empty(subel): data.append(subel) return tuple(data) def el_is_empty(el): """Return ``True`` if tuple ``el`` represents an empty XML element.""" if len(el) == 1 and not isinstance(el[0], (list, tuple)): return True subels_are_empty = [] for subel in el: if isinstance(subel, (list, tuple)): subels_are_empty.append(el_is_empty(subel)) else: subels_are_empty.append(not bool(subel)) return all(subels_are_empty) def _insert_attr_path(attrs_to_paths, tentative_tag, path): tag = tentative_tag if tag in attrs_to_paths: tag = path.replace("/", "__") attrs_to_paths[tag] = path def get_attrs_to_paths(schema, attrs_to_paths=None, path=None): """Analyze PREMIS-element-as-tuple ``schema`` and return a dict that maps attribute names to the simplified XPaths needed to retrieve them, e.g.,:: >>> {'object_identifier_type': 'object_identifier/object_identifier_type', 'object_identifier_value': 'object_identifier/object_identifier_value'} """ attrs_to_paths = attrs_to_paths or {} tag = schema[0] if len(schema) == 1: _insert_attr_path(attrs_to_paths, tag, "/".join(path + [tag])) else: for elem in schema[1:]: if isinstance(elem, dict): continue new_path = [] if path is None else path + [tag] if isinstance(elem, (list, tuple)): attrs_to_paths.update( get_attrs_to_paths( elem, attrs_to_paths=attrs_to_paths, path=new_path ) ) else: _insert_attr_path(attrs_to_paths, tag, "/".join(new_path)) return attrs_to_paths def _get_xml_attribute_values(kwargs, premis_version=utils.PREMIS_VERSION): premis_el_attrs = utils.PREMIS_VERSIONS_MAP[premis_version]["meta"].copy() xsi_type = kwargs.get("xsi_type") if xsi_type: premis_el_attrs["xsi:type"] = xsi_type return premis_el_attrs def _premis_version_from_data(data): """Given tuple ``data`` encoding a PREMIS element, attempt to return the PREMIS version it is using. If none can be found, return the default PREMIS version. """ for child in data: if isinstance(child, dict): version = child.get("version") if version: return version return utils.PREMIS_VERSION